English - Chinese 3000
This app contains the 3,000 most frequently used English words, along with their Chinese translations.
It’s the best way to learn English or Chinese vocabulary effectively.
With 3,000 words, you can understand 90% of everyday English conversations, English newspaper and magazine articles, and English used in the workplace. The remaining 10% you can learn from context or by asking questions. However, it’s essential to focus on learning the right English vocabulary words so that you don’t waste time memorizing a huge list with little practical benefit. While 3,000 words may seem like a lot, once you master them, your English vocabulary will be fully functional.
° FlashCards: Tap on a word to see its translation.
° Test: Type the correct English word.
° Learn: Alphabetical list or the full 3,000-word list.
° Match: Connect the matching English and Chinese words.